Sunday, May 1, 2011


Hehahahuhu, uploaded all pix from donkey monkey elephant years ago. I do not have access to my facebook acc anymore until the end of MYE. I voluntarily gave my CynthSHUASHUA my pw and asked her to change it for me, lest I start getting distracted by unecessaary stuffs. It's a not bad idea eh, hah! Don't laugh you arse. And, some of the pix are from super long ago, the bottom ones are the more recent ones. Okay fine, it's all jumbled up, not according to order, whatever, got pix see good enough already. Yesterday I felt terrible, I wrote down some stuffs on my diary, and I got so #&$^#&*$ up. STRESSED SIOLZ. I swear. Then, I didn't know where to begin, then I wrote a long motivation letter for myself to read whenever I feel demoralised. I've so much work to complete, ahszh, so stress yo momma. ANYW, YO MOMMA SO FAT THAT MY MOMMA SURRENDERS. Alright, I think I'll not post that often anymore during this period, but stay tune/check it everyday in case if I do, winkyzwink! ;) And, I think mom wanna confiscate my phone, not confirmed though, IKR NO LIFE ONLYZ. It's alright, I'm gonna be okay, gonna be okay, I'll be okay, I'll be okay~ I seriously very already lah, sheesh my life yo. I today wanna be, yeshhhh babies, Bye, I wanna poop, and blast music. I know I'm funny. Thanks, goodbye.

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